The clouds are thirsty now
They had been quenching fires
Born out of hunger
of bodies we are imprisoned in
They had been soaring
Higher and higher
They had been roaring
Louder and sharper
They had been thundering
Lightier and brighter
They had been pouring
With the broken heavens
They sat down tired and spent
They sat down around the round table
They sat down holding their chins
In chipped cupped palms
They sat down thinking about rains
They were silent
They had been raining
They were thirsty now…
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Pritpal Kaur
Pritpal Kaur
A television journalist turned writer I have been writing short stories and poetry for almost twenty five years. Masters in Physics and Education, turned to Television journalism and gradually shifted to full time writing. Taught physics for a year at University of agriculture. Meanwhile worked for All India Radio as announcer. Reported for “Parakh” and later worked with NDTV. Got into professional writing somewhere along the line. Have also produced documentaries for television and radio.