in an attempt to touch the base

of my vocal chords

I cry out aloud and harsh

I caress a ball of fur

and my palm feels a hardened surface

what could cause it?

this subtle erosion in my soul

it does not hurt

it sits silent

in anticipation

of some new age emotions

that could carry me

across these clouds

shaken or broken or mended?

may be I will know

or might not know

but I know this gulp sitting right now

will never leave the base of my throat

this is made of the matter

stolen from my soul.

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Pritpal Kaur
Pritpal Kaur
A television journalist turned writer I have been writing short stories and poetry for almost twenty five years. Masters in Physics and Education, turned to Television journalism and gradually shifted to full time writing. Taught physics for a year at University of agriculture. Meanwhile worked for All India Radio as announcer. Reported for “Parakh” and later worked with NDTV. Got into professional writing somewhere along the line. Have also produced documentaries for television and radio.