I walk the road less travelled

to reach where it ends

bewildered I am stranded midway

where no man stands


they either pass through this stretch

or they simply climb that curve

and take that foot bridge

far more easier to walk through

as it has a sloping edge


where walking slow is cumbersome

running along leaves you breathless

yet it reaches till the end



do they know where is this end?

or where it leads

this standstill end?

or is it just a word written

in gravel

on this charcoal floor?

or is it just another cloak ?

to cover that threadbare dress

in which my soul stays encased…

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Pritpal Kaur
Pritpal Kaur
A television journalist turned writer I have been writing short stories and poetry for almost twenty five years. Masters in Physics and Education, turned to Television journalism and gradually shifted to full time writing. Taught physics for a year at University of agriculture. Meanwhile worked for All India Radio as announcer. Reported for “Parakh” and later worked with NDTV. Got into professional writing somewhere along the line. Have also produced documentaries for television and radio.