
O' dear evening do we live or we survive through this labyrinth these hours knit across the horizon with blinding light lives we breathe with every sigh words we kneed with each finger airs that throw caution to the winds light that sings to the tune of darkness rains...

lonely poem

aren't we all alone each one of us in our own loneliness or are we all together into this singular loneliness   aren't we all alone keeping in tune with loneliness into this unique lone universe keeping in pace with ourselves   aren't we all alone trying to...


walk and you are made for each other paths  that you walk on roads that you conquer storms that you encounter walk in tandem with you   walks that you embark upon are cut out to live for completely, unconditionally   for the walks are the links that carry...

living with you

in your arms I found the storms within me turmoil I never addressed un uttered that lay buried deep storms with wide open gaps ready to gallop tonnes of me ready to drown tears of ecstasy ready to jive to the tune of we and within me I found some fears unknown...


unheard of among the miseries life that provides and takes away joys of being, tears of loss can one single drop of love caress pain pain caused by a speeding vehicle unmindful open spaces created out of lust ditches caused by hunger for more hollow brains devoid of...


Pain gives rise to more pain does it mean joy enhances joy or the beginning of pain is the end of joy or the joy that has no pain is pure joy or any pain that is less pain is nearer to joy do I know pain as my liberator the pain captures my soul to heed rest pain...

the reliever

Pain gives rise to more pain does it mean joy enhances joy or the beginning of pain is the end of joy or the joy that has no pain is pure joy or any pain that is less pain is nearer to joy do I know pain as my liberator the pain captures my soul to heed rest pain...

answers unknown

O dear evening do we live or we survive through the maze these hours knit across this horizon with blinding light sighs we breathe with every moment words we kneed with each finger air that pushes heat away light that sings to the tune of darkness rains deprived of...

endless winter

riding on the waves of time I swim across this river of memories and gulp down tonnes of water to come to my senses and drown deeper as I wade through the weeds of time my arms entangled, my feet caught in webs my hair a thick mass struck to my shoulders as I try to...

Half Moon

Half Moon by Pritpal Kaur

The journey of Mehar, the saga of her suffering, culminating into her evolution towards the end is the essence of the novel, Half Moon.

Photos from Half Moon Book Launch