Incessant chirping of the little black bird
continues to hammer
listen to me O’ woman
I may not be a wise old man
yet I am most certainly
a young little bird
I am life and love
I am naive and awkward
I am not to be tamed…
but I am a bird that may not fly away
I am a bird who will sing for you
each morning till you shoo me away
I whisper to her my love
O’ my little bird
my tiny bundle of pulsating feathers
I will keep you close to my heart
I will let you fly higher to fathom skies
I will never put you in this iron cage
that my bosom holds
I will make you savour freedom’s fruit
my little black joy
Sing please this song each morning
for I live for this tune you set to my days
and I die each night still tuned to your fading tune
to wake up each morning
to be tuned again
to your song of longing
hey you my tiny black bird
I live days in and days out
through your incessant chirps.